Febrile seizure

Febrile seizure

is an epileptic convulsion provoqued by fever. In most cases the reason for the fever is a harmless virus infection. A predisposition, which may be familial, may allow an abrupt increase of the fever to trigger the epileptic seizure

For the parents this is a very threatening event. The child rolls his eyes, does not react, is stiff or floppy or clenches with arms and legs, the lips may get blue.

Most of the seizures stop spontaneously after 2 to 5 minutes. For the parents this time seems endless and they feel helpless. In this situation you should undress your child and give an antipyretic suppository. Rarely these seizures continue longer than 5 minutes. A febrile seizure is benign and the child will develop normally and untroubled!

After a first convulsion the child must be examined by a pediatrician to search for the reason for the fever. It is necessary to exclude other reasons for a sei-zure, to define the diagnosis and to discuss the further procedure.
The risk for an epilepsy is not increased significantly.

Even a strict antipyretic treatment does not prevent further febrile seizures. One third of the children suffers of further febrile seizures up to the age of 5. Later the febrile seizures disappear, only exceptionally they are observed in older children.

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